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u ciaru e ri sapuri ra Sicily

1cpt.   quannu mi spusassi cui culura re Syracuse

2cpt.  m'arricriassi cu ciaru ri limuna

3cpt.  u bouquet re the soul

4cpt.  to start, create your quick quote

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Quannu mi spusassi cui culura re Siracusa

For women who stroll among Sicilian churches, alleys and squares, among its colorful views and rich traditions. Fall in love with the bright and vibrant colors of this land, with which they will joyfully dance during the reception.
But also of his elegant soul, who often choose him for the ceremony; 
I give those warm colors of the olive tree, of the Syracuse papyrus, of white, the color of the Syracusan stone, to be chosen whether to combine with the colors of the typical vegetation such as yellow, orange or pastel pink.


M'arricriassi cu ciaru ri limuna

He will indulge himselfl come here with that lively, baroque soul e refined, with majolica, ceramics, and dark brown heads, with the design of shovels and succulents, e with the beautiful lemons, orangesthere is prickly pear,This fruit and aromatic herbs such as rosemary and thyme are often desired for tableaux de mariage and place cards.
And finally, many of them know how to make super scenictesta di moro or pine cones, with flowers, fruit and vegetable elements is a Sicilian must

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U bouquet re the soul

For them, the choice ranges between the Baroque single-flower bouquet with elements such as the peony, or the bouquet with an olive tree which has the great advantage of being combined with roses, peonies, and berries, in various combinations.

These women often consider the olive tree with small flowers for buttonholes and bridesmaids. 

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ditta individuale Tinè Angelo Fiori- viale Tunisi 15 - 96100, Siracusa Italia di Angelo Tine' con Partita Iva: 00981560899 Codice Fiscale: TNINGL62H09I754X
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