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a magnificent tropical garden

1cpt.   tropical island ceremonies

2cpt.  receptions with the charm of distant countries

3cpt.  bouquetsfrom'infinite ocean esotic

4cpt.  to start create iyour preventivo velocAnd

Alessandra Pirola Baietta..jpg

Tropical island ceremonies

For women who have traveled far, between palm trees and monstegiant kings,  orchids and pineapples, drinking fresh coconut on the ocean. Who want color and inspiration for their day, choosing materials such as bamboo, banana leaf, orchid, sterlizia, protea, anthurium, craspedia, and exotic fruit with the possibility of creating variations with oranges, lemons, melons and European flowers

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Receptions with the charm of distant countries

They want to dine in a colorful garden, with wanda orchids, palm leaves, sterlizia and philodendron, together with pineapples, anthuriums, proteas and hibiscus flowers for example. And have the tableaux de mariage, the flower wall ig, wedding invitations and place cards designed with the same materials

Also many of them know that wood, wicker and bamboo, or iron andglass for work in transparency, are perfect to combine


Bouquet from the infinite exotic ocean 

They choose cascading bouquets of orchids of different varieties, wanda or oncidium in various shades of pink, fuchsia, orange and yellow with tropical greens, bouquets with proteas together with semi-fat vegetable elements, or bouquets with variable styles and colors. Because deep down they know that exotic themed weddings can give life to an unforgettable bouquet in history, with colors andnew forms 

Ps: to avoid single-flower bouquets

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