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the colorful pleasure of sailing

1cpt.   avanti, it's ready, veniyou all to have lunch

2cpt.  raguys let's drink a dropttor, come onthe bow 

3cpt.  romantic dinner by candlelight and flowers

4cpt.  to start, create your quick quote

Come on, it's ready, everybody come and have lunch

That moment with friends, when you're left alone to cook with a rough sea for an hour, between falls and dizziness, and you go out and exclaim like a wolf at the moon, the call to lunch!_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
And breathe a sigh of relief around a table with a stunning centerpiece.

Guys, let's have a drink, come on the prow

It's sunset, we've been working, now guys on this beautiful bow, let's relax with a drop of limoncello

fiori per yacht e barche a Siracusa

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Monday Saturday

Morning : 8:30 - 13 Afternoon: 16:30 - 20

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ditta individuale Tinè Angelo Fiori- viale Tunisi 15 - 96100, Siracusa Italia di Angelo Tine' con Partita Iva: 00981560899 Codice Fiscale: TNINGL62H09I754X
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