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The love of home 

1cpt.   a sweet Sunday morning

2cpt.  a sparkling afternoon on the terrace

3cpt.  us and nature

fiori per casa
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Una dolce
domenica mattina

Chiudiamo gli occhi un attimo,     
che cosa ricordiamo della nostra casa?
Spesso non cambia da tempo, ma ora è il momento. Proviamoci, stupiamoci!
in fondo è il nostro primo posto
e l'ultimo di ogni giorno

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A sparkling afternoon on the terrace

Let's turn off our eyes for a second, one more time.
How long has it been since we enjoyed our beautiful sunny terrace?
Which is a huge window to the sky, it is the most pleasant space of sun and warm shade in the whole house. It is pure air and well-being for the heart, a summer inn.
Why not give us an ideal space? Also, going outside those times just to water already makes you feel better, because deep down it's like growing up together.


la casa, il fiore

"Man must realize that he occupies an infinitely small space in creation and that none of his aesthetic inventions can compete with a mineral, an insect or a flower. A bird, a beetle or a butterfly deserve the same fervent attention as a painting of Titian or Tintoretto, but we have forgotten how to look." - Claude Levi-Strauss (1) (1).webp (4) (1) (1).webp
Luce e Ombra

compila il form veloce

per farti un idea

Contact us




Monday Saturday

Morning : 8:30 - 13 Afternoon: 16:30 - 20

  1.  Cliccare su salda ora     
  2. Inserire come id email
  3. Mettere cifra concordata                             

Web design and brand re-imagination

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ditta individuale Tinè Angelo Fiori- viale Tunisi 15 - 96100, Siracusa Italia di Angelo Tine' con Partita Iva: 00981560899 Codice Fiscale: TNINGL62H09I754X
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