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The White&Yellow Flowers BagBox praises women and femininity, suitable for all strong women who have the ability to get up after any difficulty and who prefer the freshness of wild flowers to a simple bouquet of mimosas, combined with delicious yellow macarons to nibble at the morning for breakfast over a cup of coffee.

White flowers as a symbol of purity and mimosa as a symbol of strength and femininity.


Instead of macarons, we can insert your piccolo gift to bring to our office.



S .   16 x 16 x 18h + 2 fresh Macarons *pasticceriaRizzo

M .  26 x 26 x 18h  + 6 Macaron fresh *pastry shop Rizzo

L  .   36 x 26 x 16.5 _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_+ 10 fresh Macarons *pasticceriaRizzo


In the season where the mimosa is not present, we will insert another type of yellow flower with a similar meaning to the mimosa. 

Flower Bagbox White

color: WHITE
  • Tall, stiff cardboard flower bagbox design with sponge inside to use as a lasting centerpiece

Contact us




Monday Saturday

Morning : 8:30 - 13 Afternoon: 16:30 - 20

  1.  Cliccare su salda ora     
  2. Inserire come id email
  3. Mettere cifra concordata                             

Web design and brand re-imagination

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         - Riccardo__terzo3

ditta individuale Tinè Angelo Fiori- viale Tunisi 15 - 96100, Siracusa Italia di Angelo Tine' con Partita Iva: 00981560899 Codice Fiscale: TNINGL62H09I754X
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