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Moda oversize


It is an ocean of  shapes, a vortex of colour, a hug to the heart. A bouquet, yes. it is improvement of mood and health, thanksgiving, expression of any emotions.

Imagine walking through the streets of Ortigia with your favorite floral bag, stopping in Piazza Duomo, sitting on a bench to enjoy a breathtaking view and enjoy your flowers and pastries.Now imagine waking up in the morning and finding, together with coffee, delicious macarons wrapped in a carpet of flowers, scents and colors, asking yourself, what could be better 

moda + fiori nel futuro

con     SUSANNA


Bouttoniere + Bracciale

con   RICCARDO            TINE'

Spada di anthurium

fiori e accessori per moda

Per Eventi e Shooting
chiedi informazione qui sugli accessori floreali

Carica delle immagini 


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Monday Saturday

Morning : 8:30 - 13 Afternoon: 16:30 - 20

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Web design and brand re-imagination

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ditta individuale Tinè Angelo Fiori- viale Tunisi 15 - 96100, Siracusa Italia di Angelo Tine' con Partita Iva: 00981560899 Codice Fiscale: TNINGL62H09I754X
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